Sunday - Church School - 9:30a
Sunday - Worship Service - 11:00a
Monday - Talent Night - 7p
Wednesday - Bible Study - 7p
Friday - Prayer & Anointing Service - 7p
Greetings from Pastor
This website includes the Ministries of the St. John’s Deliverance Temple, Inc. and St. John’s School For Tomorrow, Inc.
To learn more about our ministries, please navigate through our
website and experience the power of God that radiates through our
outreach programs and the various events we offer to give back to our
community and edify the body of Jesus Christ.
What We Believe
That Jesus is the Son of God, born of the Virgin Mary, crucified, buried, and rose from the dead for our sins; ascended back into heaven and sits at the right hand of God making intercession for us who believe, that whatsoever we ask in His name that He will do, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son.
What We Believe
We believe that you may pray for any of the Spiritual gifts and receive them.
What We Believe
Being baptized of the water and Holy Spirit is essential for the born-again experience.
What We Believe
That man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeded out of the mouth of God.
What We Believe
That God can use anyone to do his will regardless of age or ethnic background; He has no respect of person.
What We Believe
That we serve God by serving our fellowman.
What We Believe
That the Church is in the heart of man and cannot be confined to any one denomination or geographical location.
What We Believe
That God is a spirit and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth.
What We Believe
That there is no death in Jesus, the saved simply sleeps away.
What We Believe
Being baptized of the water and Holy Spirit is essential for the born-again experience.
What We Believe
That Holy Ghost Baptism can come before or after water baptism.
What We Believe
That God is a God of living and not a God of the dead that He is Alpha and Omega, the beginning, and the end and He is alive now and forever.
What We Believe
That all the gifts of the Spirit should be used in the church, and the greatest gift of the Spirit is love.
What We Believe
That all have sinned and come short of the glory of God, if we confess our sins, the Blood of Jesus will cleanse us from all sins except the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.
What We Believe
That there is no other name given under the heavens whereby men can be saved except the name of Jesus.